Anti-Fraud Strategy

Portugal Inovação Social, as the Intermediary Body of Portugal 2020 with the authority to manage financing instruments to support social innovation and social entrepreneurship projects, works in close collaboration with the Operational Programmes to implement measures to prevent, detect and correct irregularities and fraud directly associated with its activity and the aid it grants.
In compliance with the applicable national and European legal framework, and in strict collaboration with the managing bodies of Portugal 2020, Portugal Inovação Social has drafted guidelines, which are an integral part of its Procedure Manual, for its anti-fraud strategy and fraud risk management process, which are based on guidelines from the European Commission, Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão, I.P. and the Managing Bodies of the Operational Programmes with which Portugal Inovação Social has existing delegation of authority agreements.

Relevant Documents:


Taking into account the identified risks and by pursuing this strategy and with the corresponding anti-fraud measures implemented, Portugal Inovação Social aims to prevent and deter fraud, identify suspected fraud, as well as correct and report possible or suspected fraud to the competent authorities. In the event of fraud, despite all preventive measures in place, Portugal Inovação Social shall act swiftly, in collaboration with the Managing Bodies of the financing Operational Programmes, to prevent further damage or to mitigate damage caused as much as possible, particularly in order to recover fraudulently used EU funds.


Reporting Suspected Fraud

As part of its anti-fraud strategy, Portugal Inovação Social has implemented fraud detection mechanisms that are part of a whistleblowing system.

Third-party whistle-blowers can use the whistleblowing hotline provided by Portugal Inovação Social, which is strictly confidential. You can use this hotline if you would like to inform Portugal Inovação Social of any fraud you are aware of or suspect.
The Whistleblower Form below should be used to report fraud or suspected fraud.

Formulário de Denúncia

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